101 private links
Come creare un sito Wordpress multilingua con il plugin commerciale WPML
Suggestion for a highly customizable theme posted in Wordpress Forum
How to use Wordpress child themes to customize existing themes.
A wide introduction on regex with many grep examples
Start using regex with egrep
How to set up an SSH CA when configuring a large amount of servers that have many users.
A short guide on getting Weechat setup and getting it adjusted so things look nice with Solarized colors
Perfect setup to use solarized with ls, Midnight Commander and WeeChat
Learn how to download, install, configure, and run ejabberd. The resulting server is ready to serve both traditional XMPP clients and web clients.
ejabberd is XMPP server software which can be used for instant messaging on your own server. In this tutorial, you will be able to learn how to properly install and configure ejabberd on Ubuntu Server.
Essay by Mike Shema, engineering lead for the Qualys web application scanning service.
A first look into CoreOS features
CoreOS is a new Linux distribution that has been rearchitected to provide features needed to run modern infrastructure stacks
TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
How to seriously design your interfaces