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Picture Wall - 643 pics
Is there a `go uninstall`? - Stack Overflow
Rails Generator CheatSheet · GitHub
Configuring Rails Applications — Deploy to a Subdirectory
AI Article Prompt Engineering Guide - Article Writing Prompt Engineering Guide Online
The most underrated Rails helper: dom_id | Boring Rails: Skip the bullshit and ship fast
ruby on rails - How can I get month name from month number - Stack Overflow
With the new comments, how do I remap them to one key? · neovim/neovim · Discussion #29075 · GitHub
Common Go Mistakes - 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Waking Up - A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion (Sam Harris) — The Mortal Atheist
Pruning Weeping Japanese Maples - How and When to Trim / - Instructional Video / Demo.
Crash when opening folders with js or json that have content (#3273) · Issues · GNOME / Files · GitLab
GitHub - dharmx/walls: All of my wallpapers in one repo.
Potatura dell'ulivo a vaso policonico. Come potare l'olivo
37signals Dev — Vanilla Rails is plenty
moul/depviz: 👓 dependency visualizer for GitHub & GitLab (a.k.a., "auto-roadmap")
How to train senior developers in Ruby on Rails
Port forwarding with Hyper-V
Keybr - Typing Practice
Rainy Night Coffee Shop Ambience with Relaxing Jazz Music and Rain Sounds - 8 Hours
CTO vs. VP of Engineering
Timelinize - Everything at home
Choosing processes that build trust
Phosphor Icons
La Professione del Programmatore - Gabriele Lana - Crafted Software Milan 16/5/2019
Web File Browser
Securely store secrets in Git using SOPS and Azure Key Vault
intel - How to set intel_idle.max_cstate=1 - Ask Ubuntu
Better video and audio from home? Sure can do.
Obsidian Vault Template — Steph Ango
17 Easy Beautiful Plants That Grow in Water: No Soil, No Mess – Garden Betty
Creating Against Consuming
Astrohaus Freewrite vs reMarkable
Modern CSS Reset / Global Styles
Authentication And Authorization In Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) With Terraform
The Labor of Inspiration
Splitting the Web
GitHub - nanotee/nvim-lua-guide: A guide to using Lua in Neovim
How to Configure Neovim to make it Amazing -- complete tutorial Listen to nature sounds, fall in love with the Earth
The zen tmux config - Dreams of Code
Getting Lucky with HTMX - DEV Community
PostgREST Documentation
Base CSS for your text-based pages
Radix Primitives
DIY How to Build a Shed A to Z
-cloudproviders integration is now available without -cloudproviders package (#1) · Issues · Arch Linux / Packaging / Packages / nextcloud-client · GitLab
Don't build (or build) that feature
How do I debug my local vars? · Issue #2378 · gruntwork-io/terragrunt
Backup Strategies: Why the 3-2-1 Backup Strategy is the Best
Citric Acid, How Much to Use for Heavy Descaling
How to use pre-commit to automatically correct commits and merge requests with GitLab CI - Stack Overflow
Using Home Assistant with IR controlled devices - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community
Customizing pandoc to generate beautiful pdf and epub from markdown
Thread by @mattklein123 on being a successful Individual Contributor (IC)
WTF Is a Vector Database: A Beginner's Guide! - DEV Community
GitHub - innobead/kubefire: KubeFire 🔥, creates and manages Kubernetes Clusters using Firecracker microVMs
TIL: multiple git-identities on one machine – Kevin Gimbel – DevOps, Rust, and SRE
The Tightrope of Discipline
The Inner Compass
Generate Symantec VIP Access Token as TOTP
Debugging Remotely with Go in Kubernetes | by Alexander Sniffin | Medium
kubectl - List container images in Kubernetes cluster with size (like docker image ls) - Stack Overflow
What nobody tells you about documentation
How to use AI to do practical stuff: A new guide
GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
svenstaro/miniserve: 🌟 For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now!
Diagrams · Diagram as Code
Integration Olimpia Splendid Fancoil - Configuration - Home Assistant Community
dumpfheimer/olimpia_splendid_bi2_modbus_controller: Modbus Controller for Olimpia Splendid BI2 fancoils and similar devices.
Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote: Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
OpenVPN redirect troubleshooting flowchart
OpenVPN serverlan troubleshooting flowchart
OpenVPN clientlan troubleshooting flowchart
Temporary Disposable Gmail | Temp Mail | Emailnator
Red Means Recording - A Mostly Thorough Guide to Learning Electronic Music Production
Resources for Engineering Management
How to create a free team in Miro
Compost Worm Farming
Learn Git Branching
Circuiti in pratica - Serie Bticino Magic
How to create separators without link in the Quick Launch Menu in a modern teamsite? - Microsoft Tech Community
Using Private Git Repositories as Terraform Modules - Wahl Network
hugo-PaperMod: A fast, clean, responsive Hugo theme.
hugo-geekdoc: Hugo theme made for documentation
PromCon EU 2019: PromQL for Mere Mortals
PromCon 2018: Observability and Product Release at DigitalOcean
PromCon 2017: Best Practices and Beastly Pitfalls - Julius Volz
How To Speak - MIT OpenCourseWare
Network Data Flow Through Kernel
ndots breaks DNS resolving · kubernetes/kubernetes · GitHub Issue #64924
Integration Testing in Go: Part II - Set-up and Writing Tests
Wishful thinking destroys creativity – Art vs. Entropy
Key Values
It’s Time to Stop Talking About “Generations” | The New Yorker
GrafanaCONline: Prometheus rate queries in Grafana - YouTube
Why Are So Many Knowledge Workers Quitting? | The New Yorker
Kernel Pwning with eBPF: a Love Story
ant-design/ant-design: An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
getify/You-Dont-Know-JS: A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
fatedier/frp: A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
danistefanovic/build-your-own-x: 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here)
GitHub - aws/amazon-ec2-instance-selector: A CLI tool and go library which recommends instance types based on resource criteria like vcpus and memory
My Software Estimation Technique - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
The Heroku HTTP API Design Guide
Developer Portals Are an Anti-Pattern - Last Week in AWS
Lessons from AWS NLB Timeouts. Jonathan Lynch, Alan Ning | by Alan Ning | Tenable TechBlog | Medium
AWS Network Load Balancer without Target in every AZ - Stack Overflow
The State of Elixir HTTP Clients | AppSignal Blog
Mint vs Finch vs Gun vs Tesla vs HTTPoison etc - Questions / Help - Elixir Programming Language Forum
Changes at Basecamp
You Really Shouldn't Estimate Software Projects. Here's Why | Brainhub
dwyl/learn-elixir: Learn the Elixir programming language to build functional, fast, scalable and maintainable web applications!
dwyl/learn-elm: discover the beautiful programming language that makes front-end web apps a joy to build and maintain!
Kubernetes - Listing all resources in a namespace
Fix a WordPress form not sending to G Suite domain email address - Wildflowers & Pixels
10 modern layouts in 1 line of CSS
Oh JavaFX, why, why, why? – Quoll Writer
Doks - Modern Documentation Theme
design patterns - So Singletons are bad, then what? - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
Simplifying Tests by Extracting Side-Effects
Understanding SQL GROUP BY
Understanding SQL JOIN
Understanding SQL SELECT and WHERE
Kubernetes icons
Slack Is the Right Tool for the Wrong Way to Work | The New Yorker
Exploring Key Elements of Spotify’s Agile Scaling Model | by Kendis Team | Scaled Agile Framework | Medium
15 best startup marketing practices we say “no” to (while growing our MRR by 1000% in 6 months) | Plausible Analytics
What we learned on our journey to $10,000 MRR | Plausible Analytics
elixirkoans/elixir-koans: Elixir learning exercises
Why Tailwind Isn't for Me - DEV Community
Kubernetes Multi-Tenancy – A Best Practices Guide | Loft Blog
Side Project Marketing Checklist
KISSing It: On Revisiting Old Code
Monzo's Alertmanager Slack templates
Type systems and checking in Elixir and Ruby
Let's Create a New Hugo Theme | PäksTech
Command steps to rename a Phoenix project
API per l'elenco dei comuni italiani - ANPR - Anagrafe Nazionale - Forum Italia
Beginner’s Guide to Static Site Generators - Bejamas
jayway/monorepo-azure-pipeline: An experiment to discover useful patterns when building monorepos on Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps YAML build for Mono Repository with multiple projects - DEV
Text Faces - Text based emoji directory (ᵔᴥᵔ)
Feature Flags: The stupid simple way to de-stress production releases | Boring Rails: Skip the bullshit and ship fast
Atkinson Hyperlegible Font | Braille Institute
How Timeboxing Works and Why It Will Make You More Productive
To-Do Lists Don’t Work
The Omnipresence of Work
Nonverbal Communication Online - Why Does it Feel So Weird?
Ceiling Height Matters - The Lindy Newsletter
macos - How to change desktop wallpaper for all virtual desktops? - Ask Different
Illustrations | unDraw
How do I move an existing Git submodule within a Git repository? - Stack Overflow
macos - In OS X Lion, LANG is not set to UTF-8, how to fix it? - Stack Overflow
IdeaVim actionlist · GitHub
The world does not revolve around your product
sql - Grant privileges on future tables in PostgreSQL? - Stack Overflow
sql - Display default access privileges for relations, sequences and functions in Postgres - Stack Overflow
"ERROR: must be member of role" When creating schema in PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow
How to check role of current PostgreSQL user from Qt application? - Stack Overflow
There's No Reason to Write OpenAPI By Hand | APIs You Won't Hate
Seeing Theory
How to format code in Google docs | by shidong ke | Medium
Machine Learning is Fun!
GitHub - ageitgey/face_recognition: The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
From an Airtable to $9.2k in Side Income - Swipe
jesseduffield/lazydocker: The lazier way to manage everything docker
wagoodman/dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
Creating discussion board in five weeks— week one | by Ivana Huckova | Medium
Level up your shell history with Loki and fzf |
How to use vim in Android Studio, Useful customization IdeaVim
Ricetta Torta alla ricotta morbida - Consigli e Ingredienti |
Pay the cost up front. Don't distribute it to others.
Struggling To Focus? How To Be Accountable While Working Remotely
jamesyonan/brenda: Blender render farm software for Amazon Web Services
Review: RenderStreet One - BlenderNation
GitHub - AnalogJ/scrutiny: Hard Drive S.M.A.R.T Monitoring, Historical Trends & Real World Failure Thresholds
Spring Security: Authentication and Authorization In-Depth
What is Spring Framework: Dependency Injection in Java
Which Elixir version manager are you using? (Poll) - Chat / Discussions - Elixir Programming Language Forum
GitHub - overdodactyl/ShadowBird: A universal dark theme for Thunderbird
GitHub - EliverLara/firefox-sweet-theme: A dark and modern theme for firefox with vibrant colors
A Pipeline Made of Airbags
It's Time To Set Better Boundaries With Your Screen Time
How To Build An Adaptable Employee Manual With Trello
What are Liberating Structures?. How to start using Liberating… | by Lisa Gill | Medium
Is it possible for AppleScript to get the currently playing song from the Spotify app? - The Spotify Community
Riciclare la plastica ha davvero senso? - Il Post
The Life-Changing Magic of Zettelkasten — Bryan Lee
"Wtf is a Zettelkasten?" | Zettlr
The Zettelkasten Method - LessWrong
How to use Zettelkasten to boost your creativity and productivity | Zapier
clastix/capsule: Kubernetes multi-tenant Operator
poseidon/typhoon: Minimal and free Kubernetes distribution
timberio/vector: Unified, vendor-neutral observability pipelines.
Agharta - Handpan maker in Italy - Kurd 9
trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge: A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
trimstray/nginx-admins-handbook: How to improve NGINX performance, security, and other important things.
WTF Dial – Medium
SLO Adoption at Twitter
How to Take Smart Notes: A Step-by-Step Guide - Nat Eliason
De-mystifying cluster networking for Amazon EKS worker nodes | Containers
Overview of technical writing courses | Technical Writing
The Amazon Builders' Library - How Amazon builds and operates software
Clay Christensen's Jobs to Be Done Framework
Big Prometheus - Monitoring Monitoring
eBPF: A new BFF for Observability Startups - Monitoring Monitoring
Stop Taking Regular Notes; Use a Zettelkasten Instead
Writing is Learning: How I Learned an Easier Way to Write
Kubernetes anti-patterns: Let's do GitOps, not CIOps!
The Three Ways: The Principles Underpinning DevOps - IT Revolution
A Scotch & World Whisky Magazine With Fierce Independence
Kafka in a Nutshell - Kevin Sookocheff
How I Built a $5,000 per Month Side Project — Campfire Labs
How Zalando manages 140+ Kubernetes Clusters |
Postgres Is Underrated—It Handles More than You Think - DEV
huggingface/transformers: 🤗Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Pytorch and TensorFlow 2.0.
Increment: Documentation
Eliminating Distractions from Social Media, Email, and StackOverflow ·
Scaling Kubernetes deployments with Amazon CloudWatch metrics | AWS Compute Blog
Elixir Is Not Ruby. Elixir Is Erlang
What the Heck is Backstage Anyway? : Spotify Engineering
How We Use Backstage at Spotify : Spotify Engineering
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows — sonder
OAuth 2.0: The Complete Guide
Production deploy of a Single Page App using S3, CloudFront, and CloudFormation | by Joe Crobak | Medium
Redesigning the Tuple Client UI
A space to track quality Elm learning resources
Gotta Catch an Elm
Get Customized Email Notifications for EC2 Instance State-Changes
Optimizing Kubernetes Resource Requests/Limits for Cost-Efficiency and Latency
The best way to soft delete with Hibernate - Vlad Mihalcea
copyconstruct/library: A collection of the papers, conference talks, articles, blog posts, interesting Twitter threads, HN/reddit comments on systems engineering
High-Performance Hibernate Tutorial - Vlad Mihalcea
One Decade in Zalando Tech |
Saving Cloud Costs with Kubernetes on AWS |
Why “Agile” and especially Scrum are terrible | Michael O. Church
tchiotludo/akhq: Kafka GUI for Apache Kafka to manage topics, topics data, consumers group, schema registry, connect and more...
birdayz/kaf: Modern CLI for Apache Kafka, written in Go.
Using OAuth2 with Thunderbird and Gmail - Super Tech Crew
Python and fast HTTP clients
Elementor: #1 Free WordPress Page Builder |
GitHub - fabianishere/pam_reattach: Reattach to the user's GUI session on macOS during authentication (for Touch ID support in tmux)
macos - Can Touch ID for the Mac Touch Bar authenticate sudo users and admin privileges?
Related subreddits based on your comments
Securing DevOps Show & Tell: Mozilla Sops - YouTube
CloudMapper - analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments.
What is your most productive shortcut with Vim? - Stack Overflow
Do not ignore .dockerignore (it's expensive and potentially dangerous) - Codefresh
A Modern Web Application With Rails - Ruby Inside - Medium
Using Helm without Tiller - Giant Swarm
Local by Flywheel | Local WordPress development made simple
Python Socket Receive Large Amount of Data - Stack Overflow
Istio + cert-manager + Let’s Encrypt demystified - gregoireW - Medium
Dependency Injection in Crystal - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Blue-Green Deployment With a Single Database - Bozho's tech blog
Zero Downtime Deployment with a Database | Spring Blog
100 Percent Online Deployments: Blue Green Details | Michael J. Swart
Databases as a Challenge for Continuous Delivery
virgili0/Virgilio: Your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning.
GitHub - open-guides/og-aws: 📙 Amazon Web Services — a practical guide
How to write good tests · mockito/mockito Wiki · GitHub
Building a Data Pipeline with Flink and Kafka | Baeldung
Terraform: Sane practices & Project Structure – David Przybilla – Medium
Kubernetes Ingress - Google Sheets
Send Images and Files via WhatsApp Using Ruby - Twilio
Building Level no. 2: The Tech Stack -
How Slack impacts workplace productivity - Vox
How Slack impacts workplace productivity - Vox
Forecasting: Principles and Practice
The misunderstood Docker tag: latest – Marc Campbell – Medium
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Guida Anti-Inculata per laureandi in Informatica e Ingegneria Informatica — chobeat
Best Practices for Instrumenting Applications with OpenTracing
3 ActiveRecord Mistakes That Slow Down Rails Apps: Count, Where and Present
Errors in Go: From denial to acceptance — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
Learning how to learn deep learning — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
Git Internals - How Git Works - Fear Not The SHA!
Emoji cheat sheet for GitHub, Basecamp and other services
Everything I Knew About Reading Was Wrong – Hacker Noon
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Marp - Markdown Presentation Writer
Why can you not have a foreign key in a polymorphic association? - Stack Overflow
Flickmetrix - The Best Movies
Top 10 JavaScript Charting Libraries For Your Web Development
How do you use vim's quickfix feature? - Stack Overflow
Edge Computing at Chick-fil-A – Chick-fil-A Tech Blog – Medium
Six Stroke Roll - Drum Rudiment Lesson (Drumeo) - YouTube
How To Make Your Cheap Drum-Set Sound Amazing - YouTube
NGINX Performance Testing: Konstantin Pavlov @nginxconf 2014 - YouTube
GOTO 2018 • Containers From Scratch • Liz Rice - YouTube
Devhints — TL;DR for developer documentation
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Orbit - Free Bootstrap Resume/CV Template for Developers
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REST, RESTful API Quick Reference · GitHub
RESTful API Designing guidelines — The best practices
145: The Internet is Ruined | The Bike Shed
Advice for early-career developers | 8th Light
Is PostgreSQL good enough?
Optimizing web servers for high throughput and low latency | Dropbox Tech Blog
How To Traffic V2 - Cities: Skylines
Generating Passwords Using crypt(3) | UNIX Administratosphere
Newsletters spam test by
How To Build A DIY Workbench Out Of Plywood - Chris Salomone
Do you have the Learners Syndrome? – Hacker Noon
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3 Easy Double Bass Grooves That Sound Hard - Drum Lesson
The Perfect Storm audio atmosphere
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Feather – Simply beautiful open source icons
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CentOS: Elastic Common Docker Base OS | Elastic
Adventures in /usr/bin and the likes - Dormammu's Blog
Mariano Anaya - Clean code in Python - YouTube
What Kind of Finish Should You Use? | WOOD FINISHING BASICS - YouTube
Wood Finishing How-To: Hand-Rubbed Tung Oil Varnish on Walnut - YouTube
YouTube - Traditional Soap Finish with Christopher Schwarz
Getting started with revng · Wiki · Alessandro Di Federico / coding-hints · GitLab
CMake Tutorial - Chapter 4: Libraries and Subdirectories -
Mount a VirtualBox drive image (vdi)
So you think you know C? – Hacker Noon
Iptables Essentials: Common Firewall Rules and Commands | DigitalOcean
Free 2D Animation Programs for Windows, Linux, and Mac. - YouTube
I was wrong to dismiss Elm, and I think you probably are too.
fetch API
react-chartjs-2: React wrapper for Chart.js
10 Drum Fills Every Drummer Should Know - Drum Lesson (Drumeo) - YouTube
Design for Non-Designers: Part 1 – Medium
Using Elm in Production at Pivotal Tracker | Pivotal Tracker Blog
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Controlling high power (or a high number of) LED's with an Arduino - YouTube
LED Dimming: PWM vs Current - YouTube
tutorial Fai Da Te Plafoniera led per acquario aquarium - YouTube
DIY Electronic Drum Pad (FS Woodworking) - YouTube
Arduino Drum MIDI | Rock Band Guitar Hero Mod - YouTube
Homemade Electronic Drum Kit:Coltronics Kit-e - YouTube
The 4-letter-word word that makes my blood boil
How can I use terminfo entries on FreeBSD? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
How do I parse command line arguments in bash? - Stack Overflow
Master web development with these 9,985 weird tricks
Good Software Takes Ten Years. Get Used To it. – Joel on Software
How I made a SaaS webservice earning $1000 monthly profit
Website speed test
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10 things I learned making the fastest site in the world
How We Use Elasticsearch for Hiveage | Vesess
octobox/octobox: Take back control of your GitHub Notifications
GitHub - seattlerb/ohmygems
FP vs. OO
Piotr Solnica about “Meet ROM_RB & DRY_RB” - YouTube
Applications First, Frameworks Second: Better Systems through Design - RailsConf 2014 Workshop
My adventure with Elm
Railway Oriented Programming -- error handling in functional languages
Rodauth: Authentication and Account Management Framework for Rack Applications
dotenv - Loads environment variables from `.env`.
A beginner's guide to SQL database design - Stack Overflow
SQL Database Structure for RESTful API - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
Toy Robot Coding Puzzle
Another Toy Robot - GitHub
After React: Elm?
Peewee: a small, expressive orm
Do you really know why you prefer REST over RPC? | API Handyman
Is REST Best in a Microservices Architecture? Capgemini Engineering
My fight against CDN libraries - Pepper&Carrot
How to Deploy Falcon Web Applications with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean
email - Change outgoing mail address from root@servername - rackspace sendgrid postfix - Stack Overflow
Ruby Conf 12 - Service Oriented Architecture at Square by Chris Hunt - YouTube
The Clean Code Talks -- Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Testing - YouTube
How to Do 90% of What Plugins Do (With Just Vim) - YouTube
Aloha Ruby Conf 2012 Refactoring from Good to Great by Ben Orenstein - YouTube
SourceMaking - Design Patterns & Refactoring
Book recommendations · ariejan de vroom
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Secure Your Containers with this One Weird Trick | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Blog
What is Rack middleware? - Stack Overflow
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jquery-pjax: pushState + ajax = pjax - GitHub
vim-airline: lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
True Colour (16 million colours) support in various terminal applications and terminals
How to Set Up Let’s Encrypt Certificates for Multiple Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 14.04
What PostgreSQL has over other open source SQL databases: Part I
Insane Double Stroke Fills Explained!!! - YouTube
The greatest snare drum tuning trick EVER! - YouTube
Improving Your Speed Around The Drum Kit - Drum Lesson- Drum Beats Online - YouTube
Simple Drum Fill, But Not Simple Sounding - Drum Lesson - YouTube
Improve Your Drum Fill Improvisation - YouTube
7 Patterns to Refactor Fat ActiveRecord Models - Code Climate Blog
A Review of Immutability in Ruby
How does database indexing work? - Stack Overflow
The poor, misunderstood decorator
FlyWeb – Pure Web Cross-Device Interaction ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Template application for the Cuba framework.
Securing the Rails session secret - Phusion Blog
How to create your own CDN, is it just creating a subdomain? - Stack Overflow
Composition & Inheritance
Cuba microframework - MetaRuby
Shield: Authentication protocol for use in your routing and model context
Centering in CSS: A Complete Guide
Transparent Borders with background-clip
Death by copy/paste
Here are all the Git commands I used last week, and what they do. — Free Code Camp
XDA The reality of PIT files | Samsung Galaxy S I9000
Official Linux Packages for Sync Now Available
A community-driven Ruby coding style guide
Full guide on creating stateful Telegram bot
A FreeBSD 10 Desktop How-to
How To Tune Drums - by DW's John Good - YouTube
Gospel Drum Lessons - Larnell Lewis (FULL DRUM LESSON) - YouTube
Understanding 6/8 Time - YouTube
Thomas Pridgen - Applying Rudiments To The Drum-Set (FULL DRUM LESSON) - YouTube
Why we use the Linux kernel's TCP stack
Chad Smith, Basic Rock Fills: iDrum Magazine #29 - YouTube
All The Small Things (Blink 182) Drum Lesson
5-Minute Drum-Set Warm-Up (Beginner) - Drum Lesson - YouTube
Be Careful What You Code For — Data & Society: Points
Flex(lexer) support for unicode - Stack Overflow
I’m a boring programmer (and proud of it)
“Eat, sleep, code, repeat” is such bullshit
Fear This Man | Foreign Policy
How can I resolve a hostname to an IP address in a Bash script? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Convert Bytes to Int / uint in C - StackOverflow
printf the last Byte of a hex value in C - Stack Overflow
How To Secure Nginx | DigitalOcean
Comparing the contents of two directories with diff
Extract number from string in Ruby - Stack Overflow
bash - Getting exit status code from 'ftp' command in linux shell - Stack Overflow
Ruby Core Object Model
"Send The Elevator Back Down"
Error Code 0x80070456 - 0xA0019 - Windows 10 Media Creation Tool - USB - Microsoft Community
Restore And Reinstall Windows Store In Windows 10 After Removing With PowerShell
Grep, the PowerShell way
NVIDIA compatibility issue with Windows 10 Update
A technical guide to SEO
How to Disable OneDrive and Remove It From File Explorer on Windows 10
Performant Entity Serialization: BSON vs MessagePack (vs JSON)
PAPAGENO - PArallel PArser GENeratOr
termcolors - GitHub
Corsi Linux Base 2015 - Lezione 2 - Produzione musicale (Riccardo Binetti)
A tcpdump Primer with Examples
Tutorial on ejabberd, postfix, dovecot and or nginx with letsencrypt
Nginx serving content from the wrong “virtual host” while accessing with https
How to open ejabberd server to public
Changes in darktable 2.0
Linux and Unix SysAdmins New Year’s Resolutions (2016)
Monoid - Open Source Coding Font
Lollipop/Marshmallow DAT files | Compression and Decompression
How To List and Delete Iptables Firewall Rules
Setting up an ownCloud Server in a Docker container using Docker Compose
Wooden Computer Case
My silent wooden PC
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How do you recursively download an ftp folder in linux
How to get Command history by cursor key in Linux tclsh
Trellis - Ansible playbooks for setting up a LEMP stack for WordPress
How To Configure Secure Updates and Installations in WordPress on Ubuntu
Avoid to keep command in bash history - Server Fault
Favicon Generator for all platforms: iOS, Android, PC/Mac...
Renaming files to sequential numbers using bash loop
List all packages from a repository in ubuntu / debian
How to mount an .img file
Backup MySQL with mysqldump and encrypt with gpg
SESHAT: Handwritten math expression parser
A simple starter theme for Ghost
Configure Wordpress to connect to Mysql DB using SSH tunneling
Building for Production: Web Applications | DigitalOcean
Deploying a Rails App on Ubuntu 14.04 with Capistrano, Nginx, and Puma | DigitalOcean
vim-tmuxify | Vim plugin for handling tmux panes.
The Logging Olympics - Log4J vs SLF4J simple vs Logback vs Java Util Logging vs LOG4J2 | Takipi Blog
Java - Polymorphism with gson | StackOverflow
Awesome Awesomeness
You Are Managing Passwords Wrong: LastPass and Friends | No Suck
Stop using tail -f (mostly)
How To Install and Use GoAccess Web Log Analyzer with Apache on Debian 7 | DigitalOcean
Tindie - Where hardware comes to life
Handy Bash feature: Process Substitution — Medium
How To Dockerise And Deploy Multiple WordPress Applications On Ubuntu | DigitalOcean
MDN JavaScript Guide
Dump nginx config from running process - Server Fault
Datacenter for Dummies: Le SAN #LegaNerd
angrave/SystemProgramming Wiki · GitHub
Reversing the Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G for Macro Photography
HowTo: Save A File In Vim Opened Without Root Permission
Cabin Porn™
Getting Started with FreeBSD - DigitalOcean
Anton Fadeev - Freelance concept artist
Is it possible to insert multiple rows at a time in an SQLite database?
About rich snippets and structured data
Windows file system structure explained to a unix geek - MacRumors Forums
vim-hybrid colorscheme
Network Security Services
Incremental Sync in ownCloud
Window Tiling For The Win. A tiling window manager written in Rust
Instant Form Validation Using JavaScript
bash - linux piping ( convert | pdf2ps | lp) - Stack Overflow
nginx+passenger (real production config)
tmux cheat sheet | GitHub Gist
How To Use Icinga To Monitor Your Servers and Services On Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
How To Install Nagios On Ubuntu 12.10 | DigitalOcean
Restricting SSH Access to rsync | Guy Rutenberg
Docker - Beginner's tutorial | talPor Solutions Blog Builds Page For 32-bit Architectures
How to get URL parameters with Javascript? - Stack Overflow
How To Install Rails and nginx with Passenger on Ubuntu
Using Ruby, how do I print just the value of a MongoDB query result
Querying mongodb with nested where conditions
Responsive Webfont Icons - Web Standards Sherpa
Appending to crontab with a shell script on Ubuntu - Stackoverflow
Reasons why crontab does not work - Ask Ubuntu
How to check internet access using ping in a bash script
How to check internet access using wget in a bash script
10 Questions with Vim's creator, Bram Moolenaar
NSA uses Google cookies to pinpoint targets for hacking - The Washington Post
Introduction to Node.js with Ryan Dahl
How To Use Vagrant To Create Small Virtual Test Lab on a Linux / OS X / MS-Windows
How I use Git with Web Development
Multiple Network Interfaces - Force one to WAN and one to LAN
tpope/vim-rails GitHub
How To Setup Ruby on Rails with Postgres | DigitalOcean
Best Ruby language guide/tutorial for Rails? - Stack Overflow
Silent Printing in a Web Application - Stack Overflow
JavaScript: The Good Parts
Integrate ghost posts in static pages
Deploying NGINX with Docker
Gratisography: Free, use as you please, high-resolution pictures.
How To Configure Sensu Monitoring, RabbitMQ, and Redis on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
Building a Linux PC using low power quad core Celeron J1900
Liferay - Enterprise open source portal and collaboration software
Free flat vector icons
Doug Vitale Tech Blog
Static Html Website - Bootstrap - Multi language Support
Usability checklist
Twitter Bootstrap 101: Customize
Base 16 - Color schemes for hackers
How to hide Navigation Toolbar in Firefox 29? - Super User
Vodafone Station 2 Raspberry
Ghost CMS with NGINX for Maximum Performance
Top 5 Open Source Linux Server Provisioning Software - nixCraft
How to Easily Create a Ubuntu Kiosk Computer - OMG! Ubuntu!
Simple PHP Git deploy script
Deploy your site with git
Bootstrap 3 in 10 minutes
Fail2Ban or SSHGuard and brute-force prevention
The Perfect APC Configuration | Greg Rickaby
ScaleScale | Rolling Your Own CDN – Build A 3 Continent CDN For $25 In 1 Hour
A Beginner's Guide to Using the Application Cache - HTML5 Rocks
How To Set Up Nginx Load Balancing with SSL Termination | DigitalOcean
cv - Coreutils Viewer
A Proper Server Naming Scheme
Ansible’s View on IT Automation
Remove all packages marked as rc by dpkg
How To Set Up a Tahoe-LAFS Distributed Filesystem on Ubuntu 14.04 Servers | DigitalOcean
The script kiddies handbook v1.0
The Expert
Free online speed reading software
How To Deploy Flask Using uWSGI Behind Nginx on CentOS 6.4
Forcing group and permissions for created file inside folder? - Super User
Ben Orenstein - Write code faster: expert-level vim (Railsberry 2012)
YouTube - Intro to 'Write Code Faster: Expert-level Vim'
Vim Essential Plugins
[ROOT][CWM] Root Nexus 4 & Install Official ClockworkMod Recovery - xda-developers
Bash For Loop Examples
How To Configure Single and Multiple WordPress Site Settings with Nginx
WordPress Multisite with Nginx
Wordpress multilingua con il plugin di traduzione WPML
How To Modify WordPress Themes The Smart Way
vHow to SSH to a VirtualBox Guest from Host
Using Grep & Regular Expressions to Search for Text Patterns in Linux
An Introduction To Regular Expressions
Setting Up an XMPP Server with ejabberd - YouTube
How To Install and Configure ejabberd on Ubuntu Server
NGINX Admin Guide
Why You Should Always Use HTTPS
CoreOS is Linux for Massive Server Deployments
Performance Tuning PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow
beamer - Texlive 2013, where to place custom themes?
How to start developing applications for Android?
Santiago Beamer Theme
Torino, a pretty theme for LaTeX Beamer
Better-looking LaTeX/Beamer slides
How To Install and Configure DKIM with Postfix
How To use an SPF Record to Prevent Spoofing & Improve E-mail Reliability
Setting the Hostname & Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
Web Server Performance Comparison - DreamHost
Solarized color scheme for Termite
Making a Reset Switch for your Rev 2 Raspberry Pi
Adding a Shutdown Button to the Raspberry Pi
nginx - add modules and repack on debian
How to Install eJabberd XMPP Server on Ubuntu
25 Useful Basic Commands of APT-GET and APT-CACHE for Package Management
60 Commands of Linux : A Guide from Newbies to System Administrator
Wemux - multi user Tmux made easy
Schegge di Cassandra: l'hard disk vi guarda
DigitalOcean - How To Install Aide on a DigitalOcean VPS
DigitalOcean - How To Set Up a Postfix Email Server with Dovecot
How To View and Configure Linux Logs on Ubuntu and Centos
Vimdiff - most frequently used commands/shortcuts
Fluent 2012: Steve Souders - "Your Script Just Killed My Site"
"More Instantly Better Vim" - YouTube
HowStuffWorks "How Domain Name Servers Work"
How can I change the default Mysql connection timeout when connecting through python
Flask + uWSGI + nginx Primer
Difference between proxy server and reverse proxy server - Stack Overflow
How difficult is it to setup a mailserver?
OpenSSH Essentials - Slashdot
Exploring /proc File System in Linux
GTK Broadway Backend
Tour of my home network
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