1488 shaares
101 private links
101 private links
eJabberd installation guide under Debian
Guida alla scelta del gruppo di continuità
All the information you need to run a stable, successful channel
Lots of HTTP, HTTPS SSL and Reverse Proxy Examples
Introduction to the useful ssh config file.
How to perform a dist-upgrade in Debian
Contains also useful hints for mouse integration in tmux
wemux enhances tmux to make multi-user terminal multiplexing both easier and more powerful.
Unleash the power of vim completion
Let's split this window
Full of good tricks for vim, tmux, git, others..
Probably out-of-date but can still hold useful information
Discussed @ Archlinux bbs
Create some SSL certificates with OpenSSL, get them signed by CAcert.org, and deploy them in a real system!