101 private links
Just a schematic reminder published as a Github Gist
One of the best article to understand how nginx works
Pros and cons of each distro discussed at Gentoo Forums
How to install Tiny Tiny RSS on the nginx webserver
How to get Ghost up and running on a DigitalOcean Droplet in 10 fairly easy steps
Oracle document about Linux OOM Killer
How to setup your own DNS server with MaraDNS
Archlinux ARM forum discussion on HDD spindown
Security section of the Archlinux Wiki
KeePassC is a curses-based password manager compatible to KeePass v.1.x and KeePassX
How to create a “private” virtual network to access virtual machines directly via an internal IP
xda guide for noob to start creating cooked android rom
Modern operating system based on illumos kernel featuring ZFS+DTrace+Zones+KVM
A platform dedicated to one thing: Publishing.