101 private links
Complete explanation of how cron and contab work and how they set environmental variables.
Check if internet connection is available using wget --spider mode
An introduction to PGP
Fasd (pronounced similar to "fast") is a command-line productivity booster.
In this presentation Ryan Dahl, the man behind Node.js will introduce you to this event-driven I/O framework with a few examples showing Node.js in action.
How to develop a website using git for version control and vagrant for the development environment.
See it in action at http://heidi.interslice.in/
How to hide chat messages when people are joining or leaving the channel.
How to unlock your ghost account after too many failed login attempts, modifying sqlite tables.
The database section of the guide is a handy how to for postgres peer authentication
Optimise SVGs for the web and include them in your rails application