101 private links
Why coding style guides are important in a collaborative project and how to get your colleagues involved in them
rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools
Quick tutorial explaining how colorize Ruby minitest output using minitest-reporters
This topic contains a useful script to set monitor backlight with /sys/class/brightness files. (Post #10))
Series of podcasts for DevOps
HTTP Vary header importance in high-preformance reverse proxy
By default it assumes that MySQL is being used, but it's quite easy to use with Postgres instead.
Simple guide to install RoR including a useful rvm tutorial
See answer by user1779358 to move the silent printing from browser to the operative system
Seems to be one of the best books on JS.
jQuery function to extract blog latest posts.
How to give Ghost static pages access to the 'posts' variable in index.hbs
How you can deploy NGINX with Docker using the image from Docker Hub.
A lightweight Linux distribution made specifically to run Docker containers
How to prevent spam in PHP contact forms sending email